Tag Archives: Nigerian Scheme

Retro Re-Post: NIGERIAN SCHEMES: Scheming the Schemers

So a month or so ago bought one of those netbooks from Target, they come in varying sizes and I think I bought the wrong size. The keyboard was cramped and I was always hitting the wrong keys, my emails were a mess. So I did what people usually do with electronics in those situations, I looked to Craigslist.

I got a few bites from people in the area that would pay a decent price, but both wanted a factory restore, now this would not be a problem with a regular PC, but with a netbook you have no disc drive so doing a system restore means purchasing an external disc drive. Sort of defeats the purpose of selling something worth $300 bucks huh?

So then the emails too good to be true started… Continue reading

Spammer Seek Revenge… and FAIL

Imagine my surprise today when I get notification that the wonderful folks of SpamCountry tried to hit me with a DNS attack. Did it work? Nope. Thankfully I have a spam filter on my site that sent all the requests into a pending state awaiting approval. Whil awaiting approval it also stops a spammer from flooding the site until the previous one is approved.

The only result, my visitor count will be through the roof today because each Zombie visitor was a unique IP address.

Obi – 7

Spammers – 0

NIGERIAN SCHEMES V: Dr. McGilliscammer

The fifth installment of my favorite internet past time. Sorry for the absence, holidays were hectic.

LMR: Hello,
I am interested and would love to buy for a xmas gift to my wife.
Let me know if you have it.
Thanks you

Dr. Law elders

OWC: I do still have it.

LMR: hello dear,
Yes please i would love to purchase. I know my wife will like it. I am from Washington,i am located here in seattle.
how are you,i got ur message and i tried calling back ,later but it seems ur line was lil busy then.?
i am sorry i am little occupied now and i am not sure of when i can schedule to meet you,The gift is actually going to my wife for christmas. she is currently where she now works with in Al.
I will be paying you through PayPal or orionpay money order.
shipping tomorrow will be very much ok and i will be paying you the sum total of $1580 for the item and shipping cost using fedex,using ur paypal account and it works well as i will pay and you get a notification,then you make the shipment ok?
this is to ensure that u dont incure any loss in the course of shipping the item to my wife using a fast and reliable courier service like Fedex,DHL,UPS.
yes i deposit and you send immediately.
i need your paypal account detail to make this payment immediately and you will be getting a notification ok?
I have checked the UPS website and i found out it will cost a little close $60 to make shipping to there but you can use USPS as it will cost about $30 to $50.
I will be making u a payment of $1580 right now through paypal and you can ship it right away using Fedex,i am just hoping i can trust you.
if u would prefer a money order i could pay u using any reliable money order all i need is ur correct details to make the payment,i need your details for immediate payment so you can ship out immediately to her today and get me tracking number for shipment so i will be sure ok?
Mrs. R. elders
3502 highway 72
eastbrownsboro , Al 35741

Thank you once again
have a nice day,live healthy

Dr. Law elders

OWC: So your first email is signed Dr, are you a medical doctor or a PhD? Either way you would think your grammar would be a bit more convincing then that of a scam artist.


My favorite.

From cole wayne colew6557@gmail

CW: You still gut electronic item

OWC: i do, but a few scammers from Nigeria are currently trying to swindle it from me.